‘That Girl’

That girl? That girl that looks so content and full of life, that girl who seems so strong, like nothing could faze her. That girl that has a perfect family and a perfect house, the girl who seems so normal.

That normal girl who lives for music, friends, adventures and guys. That girl who has a strut in her walk that is so confident that no one could ever see what’s inside. That girl who smiles and laughs constantly and seems to get all the good guys.

You know what’s funny? That girl isn’t any girl or any human, there are so many fake perceptions that we force ourselves to believe in order to create our own opinions of others. No one is as perfect as we believe and not much of what we see is real. Making these false opinions of people is what we see as acceptable and normal but in reality they’re just stupid.

I left my blog alone because I didn’t see the point in posting anymore when no one saw what I posted and no one cared. This blog is a way of expressing who I am and who I want to be.

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